Tag: conference

  • Sitecore MVP Summit 2014: Return of the Jedi

    The week in Vegas culminated with the gathering of all the North American Sitecore MVPs for the 2014 MVP Summit. Starting off with a solid breakfast was a must for most of the group, especially those who had stayed out until the wee hours of the morning. If a coffee…

  • Sitecore Symposium 2014 Day 3: The closing sessions

    After a busy day of tracks on Day 2 followed by a late party at the club, Wednesday’s sessions seemed to be starting a little early for pretty much everybody. 🙂 My plan for Wednesday was to see a few key sessions and spend more time meeting folks at the booth, so…

  • Sitecore Symposium 2014 Day 2

    Day 2 of the SYMNA held much excitement as the keynotes and tracks kicked off with a bang (or at least with dancing). Michael Seifert delivered an excellent opening keynote to set the tone for the day (say “Experience” one more time) which entirely focused on learning the complete context…

  • Sitecore Symposium 2014: Time to Keystone!

    With just 8 hours of flights between myself and Vegas, the excitement was starting to build. Our team was coming out in full force this year to watch some great sessions, meet awesome people, and show off Keystone at our booth! After years of building up an accelerator internally to deliver our…

  • ALM Summit Videos now posted

    For those of you that have been following my series on the ALM sessions at the end of January in Redmond, Microsoft has posted the videos from the summit over on Channel9. I’ve updated my own posts to include video links, so if you prefer to read through the posts…

  • ALM Summit: Day Three

    The conference is all done, and I’m finally home from Seattle wishing there was more, but also really wanting to get back into the office and share what I’ve learned. I met some incredible people this week, and had some great conversations around the breakfast table, over beers, and in…

  • ALM Summit: Day Two

    Wow, day two is in the books… where to start?  Well, maybe I’ll start at the end:  Free beer and buffet for over 3 hours definitely provided a nice finish to the end of the day.  I didn’t network the way I imagine I was probably supposed to: milling around the room…

  • ALM Summit: Day One

    I’ve never been to a conference like this before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.  The conference kicked off Tuesday at the Microsoft Conference Center in Redmond, which is a beautiful building, even if I’ve only seen the conference rooms on the bottom floor so far 🙂  The start-time for registration…

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