Tag: CMS

  • Preparing your CMS infrastructure for traffic spikes

    Preparing your CMS infrastructure for traffic spikes

    We’re living in the days of “going viral.” Consumers move faster than ever, and businesses need to be ready to respond to sudden demand the moment it arrives—or risk losing out to competitors. The right endorsement from the right person can generate global exposure and cause unprecedented numbers of people…

  • Mitigating CMS implementation risk

    Mitigating CMS implementation risk

    Prior to joining Sitecore as a Technical Evangelist, I worked as a consultant on many projects implementing Sitecore in various types of scenarios. The implementation is where things can really start to heat up! The stakes are high. More than that, implementation projects can also be long, costly, and susceptible to error,…

  • Warning signs you might need a new CMS

    Warning signs you might need a new CMS

    The first part of a new series on choosing the right CMS system has published on the sitecore.com site! This first article delves into some of the reasons you might be thinking you need a new CMS, and some other situations where you might be okay to just incrementally improve…

  • This has been a Sitecore Burst!

    This has been a Sitecore Burst!

    One of my new ventures this year was to try my hand at creating short Sitecore help videos, under a minute. I wanted to be able to speak not just to developers, but sitecore admins and content authors as well. My good colleague Grant (@GrantReadAccess) has been helping out and…

  • Sitecore MVP Summit 2014: Return of the Jedi

    The week in Vegas culminated with the gathering of all the North American Sitecore MVPs for the 2014 MVP Summit. Starting off with a solid breakfast was a must for most of the group, especially those who had stayed out until the wee hours of the morning. If a coffee…

  • Sitecore Symposium 2014 Day 3: The closing sessions

    After a busy day of tracks on Day 2 followed by a late party at the club, Wednesday’s sessions seemed to be starting a little early for pretty much everybody. 🙂 My plan for Wednesday was to see a few key sessions and spend more time meeting folks at the booth, so…

  • Sitecore Symposium 2014 Day 2

    Day 2 of the SYMNA held much excitement as the keynotes and tracks kicked off with a bang (or at least with dancing). Michael Seifert delivered an excellent opening keynote to set the tone for the day (say “Experience” one more time) which entirely focused on learning the complete context…

  • Sitecore Symposium 2014: Time to Keystone!

    With just 8 hours of flights between myself and Vegas, the excitement was starting to build. Our team was coming out in full force this year to watch some great sessions, meet awesome people, and show off Keystone at our booth! After years of building up an accelerator internally to deliver our…

  • Sitecore tips for upgrading and development

    The last week has been very busy around the office and we managed to get out some helpful tips for those of you working with Sitecore for the first time, as well as folks who may be considering a Sitecore upgrade for their current installation. Trying to get started with…

  • Sitecore 7.2: Related Item Publishing

    A lot of new stuff dropped in Sitecore 7.2, so our team started taking a look at some of the bits that interested us most. I did a little bit of testing and review of the new related item publishing enhancements, and they are quite nice. Peek on over at…

  • Sitecore: Taking on the Top 10 Reasons to A/B test

    The practice of A/B testing follows the Lean methodology of Build, Measure, and Learn (BML).  By using tools capable of performing these tests, we can build a quick test, measure the interaction with the tests, and learn from the results gathered.  This is fundamental to improving your content and your…

  • Baby Steps to SOA – Step Five: The Move to a CMS

    Baby Steps to SOA – Step Five: The Move to a CMS

    In the continuing Baby Steps to SOA series, we follow Doug and the IT team behind BuyMyWidget.com as they take steps to renovate their digital asset architecture. Previously, we introduced the problem and the team, started planning and analysis, decided on some metrics, and refactored the website applications. Most recently, the team has tackled…

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