Tag: continuous deployment

  • Managing feature flags with LaunchDarkly

    Managing feature flags with LaunchDarkly

    I had the chance to work the Sitecore booth at MSBuild in Seattle last week and took the opportunity to walk around and meet some of the other partners in the Hub. A lot of folks are doing cool things, but one that caught my eye was the work being done…

  • Sitecore Production Deployments: The Big Bad Wolf

    Sitecore Production Deployments: The Big Bad Wolf

    SPECIAL NOTE: This article is a lead up for my November 30th #SCUniversity session on Continuous Integration and Deployment. Register for the webinar now! Do you need to secure 14 signatures and present technical documentation just to run a script on your production database? Does it take a group of enterprise…

  • Continuous Everything: The Art of Repetition

    Continuous Everything: The Art of Repetition

    It is very fashionable to apply a single word to pretty much ANYTHING to try to get in on the latest trend. The current ‘Whatever-Ops’ trend (MarketingOps, ChatOps, OpsOps) is one such example. For a while, though, we’ve been having the word ‘Continuous’ thrown in front of a whole lot…

  • TeamCity PowerShell scripts run with “- File” always return exit code zero

    Are you finding that your TeamCity Powershell scripts are always returning exit code zero (a success) no matter what happens? Even when an exception is thrown and you can see the error message in your build log? I ran into this problem recently while moving some of my Powershell scripts…

  • Visual Studio Online and Azure deployment

    Visual Studio Online and Azure deployment

    This past Tuesday I attended a Webinar led by ALM Ranger and Microsoft MVP Esteban Garcia (@EstebanFGarcia). The topic? Azure and Visual Studio Online (VSO), specifically around deployments (or so I thought). There was more content in this session than I expected to get, that’s for sure! My primary goal in…

  • Getting started with Agile ALM for Sitecore

    Over the last few years, I’ve been trying to iteratively improve our own processes at nonlinear to deliver better Sitecore solutions and set our clients up for maintainable and sustainable ALM processes. Some of my posts on automated Sitecore deployments with TFS or TeamCity outlined some of the initial steps we…

  • Sitecore Continuous Deployment: Conditional sublayout logic

    In a previous post, I discussed handling the continuous deployment of templates and layouts, but mentioned that you also need to worry about conditional business logic in your sublayouts. The primary issue is this: if the data model is constantly in flux and the system is in a state of…

  • Making the case for Continuous Deployment

    Over on the corporate blog, I’ve tried to make the case for executing continuous deployment for Sitecore solutions.  In reality, the concepts apply to any web applications being developed, but the particulars of how you will accomplish it will depend on the technology platforms being used. I’d love to get…

  • Sitecore Continuous Deployment: Templates and Sublayouts

    If you have decided to move to a continuous deployment model with your Sitecore solution, you now have several hurdles that you need to overcome to get your solution from development into production without risking the stability of the user experience.  One of these is the introduction of new ‘building…

  • Sitecore Continuous Deployment: Video presentation from SVUG

    I had planned on kicking off a short series on how to tackle the challenges of Sitecore Continuous Deployment, but after I had written my post the Sitecore Virtual User Group (SVUG) held an online Q&A presentation by Jason Bert on Continuous Integration & Deployment. The presentation is a great…

  • TDS deployments slow with Sitecore 6.6? Upgrade versions!

    Have your deployments to Sitecore 6.6 installations been taking a very long time?  Do your build logs show 3-4 seconds for every template item that is deployed?  Are you seeing the following warning in Sitecore logs? All caches have been cleared. This can decrease performance considerably. If so, you are…

  • Sprint Discipline: Releasing each iteration

    Originally posted on Scott's Thoughts: One of the things that I always hear about agile development and scrum in particular is the idea of creating a releasable piece of software at the end of every sprint. This is usually redefined into “a potentially releasable piece of software” at the end…

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