Tag: kanban

  • 11 tips for remembering that thing you were supposed to do

    11 tips for remembering that thing you were supposed to do

    I’ve always had memory recall issues. I’ve spent most of my life/career using little ‘tricks’ to cope. For example, I leave a light on in a room, so I force myself to come back to turn it off. Otherwise I’ll forget I have to do something in there. This post…

  • Visual Studio Online agile options are opening up

    Recently, Aaron Bjork wrote about some of the goodies coming down the pipe for Visual Studio Online (VSO) agile project management options. I still remember my first forays into TFS 2010, trying desperately to use it to manage my agile projects. Needless to say, I was frustrated at the time, but…

  • Going Lean: Tips from the trenches

    Continuous refinement is always in need when working in an agile delivery framework. The first thing you learn when you adopt a framework is that it does not work for all situations. Scrum, like other models, works really well in particular development situations. Sometimes, however, you need to transition your team…

  • Scaled Agile: Bringing Kanban to the Executives

    In my normal cadence, this week would be another installment in the Baby Steps to SOA series.  However, with a few weeks of vacation under my belt, I was not prepared to tackle the important discussion of centralizing eCommerce business logic quite yet.  That being said, my vacation time did…

  • Free Agile Task Tracking with Trello

    There are a ridiculous number of tools out there to help track tasks, but of all of them, Trello has been my favourite for cheap agile task tracking.  It’s has no cost, unlimited boards, real-time collaboration, and a UI so intuitive it makes adoption across the team dead simple. First…

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