Tag: continuous delivery

  • Sitecore 10 benefits for Developers, DevOps and IT

    Sitecore 10 benefits for Developers, DevOps and IT

    Deliver more rapidly to accelerate digital experience success with new features — from container infrastructure orchestration to integrated data and marketing functionality. If you want a quick overview of the whole release, check out Sitecore 10 highlights article. In the following article, we’re going to drill down into the changes…

  • Fifth Day of Christmas… 5 Golden Rules

    Fifth Day of Christmas… 5 Golden Rules

    On the fifth day of Christmas, my true blog gave to me… Five Golden Rules! …four Community Sites, three Maturity Models, two Sitecore PaaS features, and Sitecore in a NuGet feed. Last year I provided a list of golden rules for DevOps and this year we tackle golden rules for continuous delivery!

  • Sitecore Production Deployments: The Big Bad Wolf

    Sitecore Production Deployments: The Big Bad Wolf

    SPECIAL NOTE: This article is a lead up for my November 30th #SCUniversity session on Continuous Integration and Deployment. Register for the webinar now! Do you need to secure 14 signatures and present technical documentation just to run a script on your production database? Does it take a group of enterprise…

  • Continuous Everything: The Art of Repetition

    Continuous Everything: The Art of Repetition

    It is very fashionable to apply a single word to pretty much ANYTHING to try to get in on the latest trend. The current ‘Whatever-Ops’ trend (MarketingOps, ChatOps, OpsOps) is one such example. For a while, though, we’ve been having the word ‘Continuous’ thrown in front of a whole lot…

  • 4 ways to change so you can deliver more often

    I am a big fan of continuous delivery and deployment. You might have seen me write about it a few times before. When I first bring the idea up with clients, there is hesitation. One might even call it fear. The benefits are huge, allowing you to reap the return on…

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